
“Een belangrijk, inspirerend en handig boek voor iedereen die verder wil kijken dan de beperkte hokjes M/V. Met een heldere, concrete uitleg over gender en genderinclusief handelen en oefeningen om het geleerde in de praktijk te brengen. Toegankelijk voor “beginners", maar zeker ook leerzaam voor meer “gevorderden”!”

Marijke Naezer

Genderstudies Wetenschapper

gemma caughlan

"Great challenges to own assumptions, done in a welcoming non-judgemental way. Informative and encouraging. I would strongly recommend this workshop to others. I would really like a second workshop to go deeper into issues."

Gemma Coughlan

Hounours coordinator en docent bij International Business School, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen

luminita stoica

"Eelste is a great professional: very well prepared, inviting, engaging in the conversation with students during the guest lecture, calm even in tense situations, and always willing to go the extra mile, give that extra feedback moment, and answer that one more question. Our students were properly challenged and trained in their interaction with the Genderphilosopher. It was a pleasure working with Eelste!"

Luminita Stoica

Docent International Communication, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen

"Clear & concise. Good structure. Allowing students to develop their thought by questioning and elaborating it. No right or wrong. No force. Remembering not to eliminate categories but giving it a thought."


Student Hanze Hogeschool Groningen

"Really good workshop, I was very wary when I heard the topic, and had an “OMG - please not”-moment. But I am very glad I attended."


Student Hanze Hogeschool Groningen

"A very interesting workshop that gave food for thought. It left a lot of room for discussions. Elste are very knowledgeable and made it clear that the intention of the workshop was to make us “think” about this very little discussed topic in the general society."


Student Hanze Hogeschool Groningen



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